Sitting in the Snow from A Quiet Conversation with the Snow

Hello Erie!

This is the photo that started it all.  I, Gigi, got nervous because my son and grandson were still out in the snow in the woods for over two hours.  I bundled up and hiked back to the creek. Taking photos of the winter wonderland as I went.  I came upon them sitting quiet and still, watching the snow.  Content.  Peaceful.   I took this photo and many more of this snowy day enjoyed by a dad and his son.  

About this time last year is when I asked Lee Steadman to paint this photo.  I wanted to surprise my son at Christmas.  When Lee brought the painting to me, he told me there is a book here.  And here we are.  

I am so grateful for this book.  I have learned so much.  This journey has brought me so many gifts along the way.  Amazed and awed by my friend Lee’s talent.  Gained a new friendship with the wonderful Steadman family.  Reconnected with my creative and patient brother-in-law, Jim Colvin.  Grew an incredible appreciation for the work that goes into designing children’s picture books (more about that later).   Forever grateful for my cheerleaders (you know who you are) who believed in this endeavor.  Last but not least, this would not have happened if not for my husband, my patron, my rock.    

Isabel Allende said “Write what should not be forgotten”.  That’s what I tried to do here.  A reminder that it is the simple things that make life worth living.  That and people to share it with.  

God bless.  


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29 thoughts on “Hello Erie!”

  1. A Conversation with the Snow captures a precious moment in time. It shows the reader how to communicate with our Creator so naturally and that is through nature and often in silence 🙂 Congratulations Lori and Lee, on a beautiful story and book.

  2. Maggie Ignasiak
    Maggie Ignasiak

    Lush illustrations complement flowing prose. The author put her heart into this one, and it is worth reading! I got my copy at Pressed, the local books, coffee, and gifts shop in Erie!

  3. This lovely story touches your soul. There is no greater joy than spending time with children and grandchildren enjoying the wonders that God has created. Thank you Lori, I look forward to your next masterpiece.

  4. I really enjoyed reading this book. As to me it captured a father and son treasuring the very simple moments in life, which to me are priceless and often simply taken for granted. I would definitely recommend this book for those of all ages and look forward to reading more stories from Lori.

  5. Poignant story and beautifully illustrated ! Even my 20 yr old son liked it . Highly recommend .

  6. Charlie Rutkowski
    Charlie Rutkowski

    This is a beautiful book for our time. The story of a Dad and Son – walking thru the snow, appreciating what all God has to offer to us by taking the time to be present in the moment. Lori tells the story as if you were there in the book. I love the addition of the cardinal throughout the book – it has a special meaning to me. The illustration that Lee completed throughout the book is beautiful and complements the story beautifully. Hope we get to see more incredible stories from Lori in the future. Thank you for putting your time, talent, and treasures into your first work.

  7. A touching story about a father and son connecting in the beauty, calmness and quiet serenity of a snowy day in the woods. It’s a reminder to slow down and truly enjoy what God and nature have provided for us. Beautifully written and illustrated! I purchased this book for my grandchildren.

  8. Francesca DiSanti
    Francesca DiSanti

    As children’s book do this teaches us how to stop and enjoy the beauty and the peace in the simply pleasures of life.

  9. A truly touching story about family, peace, love, beauty, and slowing down during this ever busy season to appreciate the simple things in life. The illustrations transport you to a winter wonderland and the words give you a sense of peace. This book reminds both children and adults to take a step back and appreciate what and who you are surrounded by.

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