Gigi’s Corner

Gigi's Corner

Thank you Kyle and Lauren for your continued support for a A Quiet Conversation with the Snow.

Open House at Tom Ridge Center Dec 2, 2023

What an incredible evening shared with other artists and crafters!

Book Reading Wattsburg Elementary Nov 21, 2023

Thank you Wattsburg Elementary students for a wonderful time reading my book.  Your imaginative interactions to the story was absolutely the best!

Newest Editorial Review Nov 14, 2023

There is a new review of A Quiet Conversation with the Snow from the Kirkus Review.  The recommendation is a  “thumbs up”!

Guest Reader at Jefferson School Nov 9

Thank you Jefferson School K-2 for a great time reading my book, A Quiet Conversation with the Snow.  Remember to always Find

Come and join in the fun at a Meet and Greet with me, Lori Colvin at the Asbury Barn on Saturday, November

Guest Reader at Our Lady of Peace and Saint James

I had a wonderful opportunity to read my book, A Quiet Conversation with the Snow, to the kindergarten through second grade students

Valentine’s Day 2023

Happy Valentine’s Day! You know when I was younger, I used to collect hearts.  All different sizes, colors and materials.  I no

Hello Erie!

This is the photo that started it all.  I, Gigi, got nervous because my son and grandson were still out in the snow

Gigi's Corner