This is the photo that started it all. I, Gigi, got nervous because my son and grandson were still out in the snow in the woods for over two hours. I bundled up and hiked back to the creek. Taking photos of the winter wonderland as I went. I came upon them sitting quiet and still, watching the snow. Content. Peaceful. I took this photo and many more of this snowy day enjoyed by a dad and his son.
About this time last year is when I asked Lee Steadman to paint this photo. I wanted to surprise my son at Christmas. When Lee brought the painting to me, he told me there is a book here. And here we are.
I am so grateful for this book. I have learned so much. This journey has brought me so many gifts along the way. Amazed and awed by my friend Lee’s talent. Gained a new friendship with the wonderful Steadman family. Reconnected with my creative and patient brother-in-law, Jim Colvin. Grew an incredible appreciation for the work that goes into designing children’s picture books (more about that later). Forever grateful for my cheerleaders (you know who you are) who believed in this endeavor. Last but not least, this would not have happened if not for my husband, my patron, my rock.
Isabel Allende said “Write what should not be forgotten”. That’s what I tried to do here. A reminder that it is the simple things that make life worth living. That and people to share it with.
God bless.
Please bookmark this page to “Gigi’s Corner“. Thank you!
Lori and Lee. what a great story of pure beauty and the calmness of nature through the eyes and mind of a child. Simple but with such deep meaning! The illustration is beautiful. I could feel the calmness and peace!
This is such a beautiful book that I will enjoy reading to my children every winter. For many years they will question why I’m crying while reading it until they themselves are parents and will finally understand how quiet ordinary moments like in this book are what life is all about. Great job Lori!!
What a beautiful story, reminding us of the significance of the simple things. I was lucky enough to hear Lori read her story out loud at a book reading…children, teens and adults alike were mesmerized. This book will be next to The Giving Tree and The Cat in the Hat on my bookshelf!
I bought this beautiful book for my grandson Fitz and my son in law Jeremy. When Jeremy was reading it, he started to cry. It was the best part of Christmas Morning. Great job Lori! It is beautiful.
What an amazing story to read when my son, Brian gave this to me on Christmas Eve! The night was just perfect for this story as the snow was coming down outside and our tree lights were on and I read it out loud. I was so appreciative of the beautiful pictures that were illustrated, too! Thank you Lori Colvin for a wonderful family experience.
Huge congratulations to Lori Colvin! She brought to life a story that is simple but with a timeless message: slow down, be present, be still. Equally as important, she pursued a dream and made it happen — something we all aspire to do. Thank you for the inspiration… and for the gift of being able to share this with my grandson, Oliver. We love the cardinal’s presence throughout. He’s “Roy- to us
A Quiet Conversation with the Snow is so beautifully written by Lori Colvin and the illustration by Lee Steadman is spot on, especially since Lori shared the original photo of her son and grandson. I found SUCH PEACE while reading this children’s book. God works in mysterious ways to make our dreams come true Lori. If you hadn’t started to worry because they were gone so long, went out to check on them, because of the love you have for them….took pictures while you captured Gods beauty and the love between a father and son, none of this would have come full circle. You’ve always wanted to write and God has a plan for each one of us, even before we know what that is…He gave you a gift of writing and seeing the beauty in everything and I’m glad to see/read that you are using the gift He gave you….this book made me feel as if I were sitting on a branch of a tree, being blanketed by the snow, privileged to witness the bond between a father and son. A memory was made that day that I’m sure both your son and Noah will never forget. I also wanted to thank you for taking me back to my times in the woods where I would sit in the quiet, write in my journal and have my talks with God and “Just Be”……..I hope people read this and slow down, take in all of His creations, stop and smell the roses…and make memories with loved ones of their own. This book has few words, but with such BIG meaning and reading between the lines. Thank you for this blessing and all who buy it will be blessed for generations to come!
Jer. 29:11
This is such a special book and the timing of it’s publication can’t be better. What a timeless tale- spending quiet time with someone you love in your special place… somehow Lori and Lee have been able to take this timeless tale and make it relevent for us again. I love how the story actually came into being- so natural and organic and serendipitous- just like a walk through the woods on a snowy day… we ( those of us from Erie at least) have been there countless times and now this book makes me want to do it again and stop each moment and appreciate the silence and the sounds of this journey. With each turn of the glossy, gorgeously artistic pages I can feel my blood pressure drop and breathing calm. And reading the sweet and elegant prose, written so simply as to not interrupt the moment- it truly captures magic. This is one of those books that children, as well as the adults who read to them, will love and treasure. Thank you for this gift.
What a beautifully written and illustrated book…well done Lori and Lee!!! This is just the book we need these days with our fast pace society. People forget how amazing nature really is and don’t take in the small moments if life. Thank you for reminding all us to slow down and enjoy the the “true” beauty in this world. Lori, you have never stopped teaching people how to be better people and I am one person very thankful for being taught that by you. So proud of you and going after your dreams!!! Can’t wait for more to come!!!
A Quiet Conversation With The Snow by: Lori Colvin…
A beautifully illustrated children’s book that captured a moment in time between a father and his son while out in the woods on a snowy day. A true joy to read about their adventure that day. Very thankful for Lee Steadman who helped Lori’s dream about writing a children’s book come true.
My first fan mail.

What a wonderful book. What a beautiful tribute to a Dad and his son. Lori has talked about writing a book for as long as we have been friends. As with everything else, Lori has given her all with the story. The story is beautiful combination of two of the things that Lori loves most, her family and nature. Well done my friend. Can’t wait for the next book!
Lori Colvin has always had a way with words and this book encompasses her passion for love and life. A beautiful story of the importance of time spent with those we love in nature. The illustration is fantastic and brought back memories of my time spent outdoors in the winter. Looking forward to sharing this with my grandchildren!
This book was written by one of my oldest and dearest friends. She writes about her precious son and grandson, sharing a beautiful quiet moment out in nature in a special spot. I love it, because we can all appreciate a moment, where we have shared something with someone special. The humanity and love in this book is just what we need. Read it you won’t regret it. it’s simple, true and real.
A Quiet Conversation with the Snow is a sweet story of a Dad and his son on a walk in the woods admiring beauty of the snowfall. The beautiful illustrations allow the reader to expand their own imagination and interpretations. This story reminds us of the special relationship between a father and son and the importance of time spent together. I can’t wait to share this book with my grandchildren. Congratulations Lori and Lee! Can’t wait to see what follows.
Cheryl Heintz
Congratulations to one of my oldest and dearest friends Lori Caporale Colvin on becoming a published author. This beautiful illustrated children’s book is a heartwarming recollection of her experience as she witnessed her son and grandson in an “Erie” winter wonderland. My grandson Maverick received his very own autographed copy today.❤️I am so incredibly proud of my friend on this wonderful accomplishment!
It’s wonderful! I love all of it. Well said Chris.
This book brought tears to my eyes. The description of the woods and blueberries trees is how I imagined it would look under the snow. The illustrations are beautiful. A touching and loving moment between father and son, all because they went out in the snow. Just sit and be still. No phone, computer, or video games. No distractions. Sit, be still, and listen. Thank you for sharing the moment.
My oldest friend from third grade has authored a heartfelt adventure story in the snowy woods featuring her son and grandson. I found myself immediately connecting to the scenery and chitchat. I agree with Chris that Lori and Lee have provided us with a much needed narrative of children and nature and wonder. I will be sharing my friends’ masterpiece with my four grandchildren and talking about the conversation.
In my humble opinion, connecting young people with the beauty of the outdoors has been lacking in our society! Lori with her words and Lee with his illustrations capture it all perfectly. Thank you and congratulations on this wonderful project.